Natural cleaning products have the floor | Anyclean

By Nick Vassilev

updated: 23/10/2023

Floors come in three basic varieties: soft (i.e. carpet), hard (tile, lino, flags, marble) and wooden (self-explanatory). And you can clean all types of floors using natural methods.

As an everyday measure, the natural cleaning products you will be using for your floors will be the broom and the vacuum cleaner. Or just the vacuum cleaner – these can usually handle soft, hard and wooden surfaces with equal panache. Some can even handle wet stuff. (Never, ever vacuum up vomit or cat’s pee. You will never get rid of the stink inside the vacuum cleaner.) And they are a natural cleaning product – all they use is air. But this “natural floor cleaner” can have the low-toxin effect ruin if you use one of those ghastly room scents that work by shaking smelly stuff on the floor and then vacuuming it up. These shake-on thingies are one of the worst sources of toxins in the home. If you want a nice smell dispersed through your home, all you need is a few drops of essential oil on the filter or on the vacuum cleaner bag. And to keep things natural with your vacuum cleaner from start to finish, remember to empty your vacuum cleaner into the compost heap instead of the rubbish bin.

However, sometimes floors need a bit more cleaning. Somebody spills a glass of wine. Someone runs through from the garden to pick up the phone without removing their muddy shoes. A child (or an adult) throws up. The new puppy pees behind the sofa. Now what do you do?

What you will do is to act straight away, because the longer the stain sits, the worse things will get. With all three situations, the hard floor will be better off, as it is more stain resistant. Things can get a bit trickier with the more absorbent wooden and soft floors.

For all of the messes described above on a hard floor, remove the worst with the help of a ratty towel (we should all keep ratty towels for this sort of situation rather than throwing them out and having to use a good towel for a grubby job). Then get out some warm water, some soap gel and a mop (or else a scrubbing brush). Alternatively, use an Enjo mop. And remove the rest of the ick.

For cleaning a wooden floor, the aforementioned ratty towel should be thrown over the pee, the vomit or the wine to absorb the worst. The mud can simply be sponged off with a damp cloth without much trouble. The real problem with the pee, vomit and wine is that they can damage the finish of the wood floor. Do not panic. This means that you can get after the mess with vinegar, which, in ordinary circumstances, can strip off the wax from wooden floors. Dilute the vinegar with a bit of warm water and sponge it all over the spill. Leave it to sit for a bit, then douse the spot with more water and sponge up the excess. You will need to re-wax the spot on the floor, but it is possible to make your own natural floor wax by mixing two parts of beeswax with one part of linseed oil (and, if you must, four parts of turpentine) in a double boiler until well combined. Some lemon or cedar essential oil won’t hurt here, either. Apply the wax with one old sock and buff with another sock.

For carpets, the best thing to do to get rid of the pee, the vomit or the wine is first to blot up as much as you can as fast as you can, and then to douse it liberally with large amounts of water. This floats up a lot of the stains. In many cases, this will do the trick, but to stop smells (vital in the case of puppy pee), sprinkle on some baking soda and leave to dry before vacuuming up. If the stain won’t come up with this, you’ll have to use the method you use for getting up the mud. Get a bit of warm water and some soap, plus a soft scrubbing brush. Scrub the spot up to a foam and blot the foam off with that handy towel. The spot will look a little ruffled for a few days, but after a week or two, it will get trodden smooth again and you won’t be able to find the place unless you really search for it.

About the author 

Nick Vassilev

Nick blogs about cleaning. He is a cleaning expert with more than 25 years of experience. He is also an NCCA-certified carpet cleaner. Founder and CEO of Anyclean.