Window Cleaning Made Easy | Anyclean

By Nick Vassilev

updated: 24/07/2024

Home window cleaning with a pole

When warm weather hits, people suddenly get a burst of energy to clean. In the winter, we’re like bears in hibernation, but once warm weather hits, we become motivated to clean, garden, and do all those things we didn’t even bear to think of in the winter, like window cleaning.

Did you ever notice that after a certain amount of time, dust and dirt begin to build up? Then, when you look at the windows, you are appalled by the amount of dirt piled up. You ask yourself, “How did I let the windows become like this?”

One good thing is that today’s windows are installed, so they are much easier to clean and maintain. There are many window types, which allow the outside to be cleaned from the inside of the home due to a fold-down method manufacturers introduced in the early 90s (thank God!). Most people use Windex or something similar to Mr. Clean or something similar. Many people find that products with ammonia in the solution or vinegar work best. These are the two most popular.

General Window Cleaning Advice

If it were a traditional window which slides down from top to bottom, then clean the top front first and then the top back of the window since this would be the most rational. Then you should push the window back up in the right position to work on the bottom half of the window.

Begin with the bottom half of the window’s outside and then finish the bottom inside of the window.  Remember that if these windows have screens, which many of them usually do, you must remove the screen first (do not forget!) and make sure your little one is not watching you. You know how little toddlers can be; they like to copy everything we do.

There are also vertical roll-out windows. In the same respect, make sure you remove the screen before beginning any window cleaning.

Window polishing made easy

Using the handle, roll the window so it is open as much as possible.  Remember it is easier to do the outside first by sticking your hand through the opening between the window and wall.  Then roll the window to the closed spot and wash the inside of the glass.

For individuals who have larger windows, which do not, open, it would be necessary to clean them from the outside.  You can also purchase those long window stick bushes that have a long length to them, so it makes cleaning from the outside easier and you do not have to use a ladder. If the window is in length of your arm, you can use a spray and cloth to clean the window from the outside.

For anyone who lives in apartment or high-rise community, especially older buildings, cleaning the outside glass may cause some problems. The best thing to do in this situation is to hire a professional cleaning company.

How To Wash Your Windows Like A Pro

In theory, window cleaning is simple enough. You can make your own window cleaner from vodka and/or vinegar diluted in water and with some germ-killing, room-freshening essential oil. Spray it on, then rub it hard with a soft cloth. Or else you can use warm water and detergent, which you blot off with crushed newspaper. Or you do the old-fashioned car wash method with warm, soapy water (again), a soft, floppy brush and one of those hand-held wiper blades. In theory, we should be able to have gleaming streak windows.

In theory. But here is what actually happens.

 Spray-on method

1. Spray ammonia-based proprietary cleaner on the windows. Accidentally breathe some in, then spend the day coughing, gagging and vowing never to do this again. Wrestle with a conscience about tipping the ammonia-based product down the drain so you can use the spray bottle for the make-your-own cleaner.

2. Find white vinegar and half a bottle of vodka. Put liberal proportions into a rinsed-out spray bottle with a bit of water. Rummage through dwindling essential oil collection and finally settle on lavender. Shake the lot together.

3. Point the spray bottle at the window and pull the trigger. Pull the trigger several more times without effect. Give one final pull while staring at that nozzle, wondering what’s going on, and get a faceful of eye-stinging lavender-scented liquid as it finally reaches the top of the pump mechanism.

4. Eyes still streaming; spray liquid on the window.

5. Bolt to the kitchen for clothes and realise they’re all in the wash. Tear off the T-shirt, hoping that the neighbours aren’t looking in your direction. Use a T-shirt to rub at fly spots and finger smears.

6. Swear as you realise that the window is now covered with lint from that T-shirt.

7. Find a relatively lint-free pillowcase and a dry T-shirt. Return to the window, discovering that the lint is now stuck to it. Respray with a vodka mixture.

8. Buff the window with a pillowcase until it is dry and shiny.

9. Notice a fly spot in the middle of the window. Crane your neck around at odd angles, trying to work out which side of the glass it’s on. Decide it’s on your side of the glass, and try to pick it off with one fingernail.

10. Respray the window with the mixture to remove finger marks.

11. Move to the next window.

Window washing tips for London homeowners

Soapy water method

1. Run a bucket of hot steaming water and add a squirt of dishwashing detergent. Assemble a soft scrubbing brush and rubber gloves, and find old newspapers.

2. Spot an interesting cartoon and undone crossword in the newspaper and spend ten minutes reading old issues. Tear out half a dozen recipes and make a mental note about a great upcoming movie.

3. Pick up a bucket of warm, bubbly water and don rubber gloves. Carry the lot outside to windows to be washed.

4. Spot neighbours and start catching up on gossip.

5. Pick up a bucket of lukewarm, bubbly water and continue to the window. Dunk is scrubbing brush into water, swirling it around, then applying it to the window, dripping water all over the front of clothes.

6. Discover that the soft scrubbing brush had been home to spiders, and their webs are now all over the window. Shake a large, angry spider off your rubber glove.

7. Re-dunk the brush in the water and apply it to the window, again getting water all over yourself.

8. Grab a newspaper, resist the temptation to read another interesting article you’ve just spotted and crumple it into a ball.

9. Rub newspaper over the window until it makes an excruciating squeak, and the paper is damp.

10. Move on to the next window and repeat Step 7.

11. Try buffing down the window with the first ball of crumpled newspaper, with the result that the paper starts to disintegrate, smearing bits of paper pulp over the window.

12. Repeat Steps 7 to 9.

13. Move to the next window.

14. Change out wet clothes, rinse detergent out of hair, apply body lotion and hand cream.

About the author 

Nick Vassilev

Nick blogs about cleaning. He is a cleaning expert with more than 25 years of experience. He is also an NCCA-certified carpet cleaner. Founder and CEO of Anyclean.